Japanese-Language Proficiency Test


For the latest news, please refer to the website of Society of Japanese Language Education Hong Kong

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Macau) Payment Guide

After completing the registration on the Society of Japanese Language Education Hong Kong website, candidates can proceed with the payment upon receiving the “Registration Confirmation (Macau)” email.

Pay the examination fee of MOP725 through the CPTTM online payment platform.


  1. Access the [Japanese Language Proficiency Test (For Macau Region Payment Only)] page and click [Apply Now].
  2. Fill in the test level and registration number, then complete the payment.
  3. Download the e-receipt.

It is recommended to use a computer to log in to the CPTTM platform for payment. For mobile payment, you can choose [Mpay] / [Bank of China Macau Mobile Banking].

Japanese-Language Proficiency Test


The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test is conducted both in Japan and outside Japan to evaluate and certify the language proficiency of primarily non-native speakers of Japanese since 1984. In 2011, there were as many as 610,000 applicants throughout the world.


“Japan Educational Exchanges and Services” is the organizer inside Japan. Outside Japan, the “Japan Foundation” co-sponsors the administration of the test with local cultural exchange and/or educational institutions, or with administrative committees specially established for this purpose. “Society of Japanese Language Education Hong Kong” is the co-organize the test in Hong Kong & Macau.

Macau Test Location
*Subject to admission ticket

CPTTM Head Office (Rua de Xangai 175, Ed. ACM., 7 andar Macau)




Society of Japanese Language Education Hong Kong
Online Enrolment http://www.japanese-edu.org.hk/

Registration Query

Society of Japanese Language Education Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2866-9991

Fax: (852) 2866-1331



CPTTM – Professional Exam Resources Unit

Email: vqa@cpttm.org.mo Tel: (853)28781313

Address : Rua de Xangai, 175, Ed. ACM, 7th Fl., Macau

For more information, please refer to Society of Japanese Language Education Hong Kong website.

Last updated at 2025-02-12.