Give yourself an edge in the global marketplace

Fair, valid and reliable TOEIC® test scores can help you make the most important personnel decisions, so you are more efficient at selecting, hiring and promoting. The TOEIC® Listening & Reading test and the TOEIC® Speaking & Writing tests are designed to provide meaningful feedback about test takers’ strengths and weaknesses.

TOEIC® Listening and Reading TestTOEIC® Speaking and Writing Test
Format2.5-hour, paper-based testSpeaking – 20-minute, computer-based test
Writing – 1-hour, computer-based test
Questions200 multiple choice questions promptSpeaking – 11 questions that require test taker to respond to a spoken and/or written prompt
Writing – 8 questions that require test taker to respond to a written prompt
AdministrationIn secure test centers or your own facilityVia computer in secure test centers
評分Total scores range from 10 to 990Speaking – Total scores range from 0-200 and fall into one of 8 proficiency levels
Writing – Total scores range from 0-200 and fall into one of 9 proficiency levels

Test Results and Certificates

  1. If a test taker completes the test and does not have any violations, his/her test results will be issued by ETS®. Test results normally will be released within fifteen (15) working days of the test administration. It will also take approximately fifteen (15) working days to process a re-score, re-issuance of a score report or certificate.
  2. Test-takers will receive a TOEIC® test Certificate (issued by ETS) and a Score Report that contains detailed explanation of abilities measured and percentage answered correctly in each skill area. TOEIC® tests Scores are widely accepted by corporations, English-language programs and government agencies around the world.
  3. The TOEIC® test reports are valid for two (2) years and can be verified on a global basis.

Related Course:

Course CodeCourse Name
LG10.1Preparation Course for International Workplace English Test – TOEIC® (Listening & Reading)
LG10.2Preparation Course for International Workplace English Test – TOEIC® (Speaking & Writing)

Note: The Continuing Education Development Program (PDAC) accepts individual applications (if included in the exam catalog). For details, please refer to the website of PDAC.

Last updated at 2022-06-17.