MaConsef 2019春夏系列

MaConsef 2019春夏系列

MaConsef 2019春夏系列以『Ditch the Label』作為此次設計的核心概念,訴說著『捍衛傳統習俗文化』的同時也要抱持懷疑的態度,打破世俗的標籤,跳出傳統的框架,活出新時代女性的模樣。


MaConsef 2019 Spring/Summer Collection employs “Ditch the Label” as the core design concept.  It reminds people that one should always keep an inquisitorial attitude while “defending traditional habits and culture”.  One should break out from the routine label, jump out from the traditional framework, and live the life of a new-era woman.

Deconstructed and irregular cutting is the principle of design this season, with male fashion elements and revolutionary use of fabrics injected into the design.  Reconstructed female fashion cutting is used to articulate the independence and temperament of new-era females.  Black, white, and grey are adopted as the base color tones.  Multiple types of materials and patterned fabrics are used, augmented with details such as binding ropes, hollowed frames, strength-flexing armored shawl, and soft delicate folds to create the perfect manifestation of tough-as-nail yet soft-as-feather femininity.

MaConsef2018 inside page

2018設計小組/ Design Team 2018

MaConsef-Mickey MaConsef_Jack
謝美琪 Mickey Che


對時裝設計充滿好奇和憧憬的新鮮人,於二零一六年修畢澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心時裝設計及製作文憑課程,以「藍•匠」獲得畢業表演第三名及時尚風格大奬。隨後獲中心邀請加入”CPTTM時裝孵化計劃 (MaConsef)”。

Mickey, a freshman who is full of curiosity and aspiration for fashion design, graduated from CPTTM Diploma Program in Fashion Design and Manufacturing in 2016. Her collection “Men in blue” won Second Runner-Up Award and the Grand Trendy Award in the Graduation Show. She was subsequently invited to join the CPTTM Fashion Incubation Program (MaConsef).

林杰 Jack Lin


隨著時光流逝,醒悟設計與探索才是初心,繼而奮起直追。於二零一七年修讀   澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心的時裝設計及製作文憑課程,以作品「未來」獲得    畢業表演學術優異獎第一名。隨後獲中心邀請加入”CPTTM時裝孵化計劃(MaConsef)”。

As time flies, the primal desire of awakening designs and exploration are being trailed by the pursuit of excellence. Graduated from the CPTTM Diploma Program in Fashion Design and Manufacturing in 2017. His collection “Future” won the Academic Excellence Award – 1st Place at the graduation show. He was subsequently invited to join the CPTTM Fashion Incubator Program (MaConsef).


最近更新於 2020-05-19.